Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Get a Grip!

I have a lot of my students and fellow pole/aerial artists always ask me, "How can I improve my grip? Will it ever get easier??" The answer to the last question is definitely yes. Now while I can list off numerous exercises to strengthen grip and whatnot, the best exercise is to just keep doing what you're working on. The biggest problem is when you first start any aerial activity and are not conditioned for it, your body is going to take time to adjust.
Your hands are very soft when you first begin. You probably aren't accustomed to lifting your own body weight and relying solely on your grip. So the skin on your hands is smooth and untextured. The more you climb and work out on your apparatuses the more your hands will callous and harden giving them texture as well as work the small muscles in your hands and fingers. A lot of women worry that this texture will be unattractive and that they will have "man hands"

yes I guess to an extent you will have tough hands but I personally am not ashamed of mine because these hands contain immense strength and dexterity that has taken years to acquire which I find very empowering, but you can easily shave your callouses with a razor or take a pommus stone to them and that'll reduce the excess callous skin without affecting your grip. Another tip is do not wear lotion right before you do aerials/pole. That will make grip nearly impossible. If you have lotion on you can strip it off with dish soap.

You can also use the help of grip aids. There are numerous grip aids, mighty grip, dry hands, dew point, rosin, chalk, rubbing alcohol (which I recommend to clean your pole with personally), you can use clear solid antiperspirant deodorant on your body which also sticks to the pole.

I personally do not like to use grip aids unless I absolutely have to. If you use them all the time you'll find you will have a difficult time going without them, you start to rely on them at all times. If you really have a hard time gripping and want to work your muscles anyway you can use the aid of leather or rubber gloves. I have found that by using gloves once in a while, once you have the strength and the moves figured out it is easier to do them without the gloves.

For those of you who are interested, I do make a special grip spray that is VERY effective on the pole and silks and really any apparatus. I will be selling it on my site in the future but for inqueries you can write me on here or at aerialempowerment@gmail.com

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