Thank you to everyone who has been so supporting this tough time of year. Things got so hectic in my personal life that it caused my focus on Aerial Empowerment to suffer but now I am back and getting back into the swing of things. To all my customers thus far, thank you so much. I am undergoing goal setting for what I would like to see Aerial Empowerment grow into.
Pole Dancing, and Aerial Dance has indeed changed my life. I began Pole dancing at the age of 19 and now almost going onto the age of 24 in this 2011 I feel like an entirely different person. That is why I called this Aerial Empowerment because it changes lives. It finds that passion, that spark you contained as a child before anyone told you there was a wrong way of doing things, you are just free to explore the power of your body defying gravity because your muscles and stabilizer muscles become so strong, and that strong body carries over into a strong mind and a positive attitude that you cannot even comprehend unless you try it.
There are a lot of changes in Salt Lake City, Utah. I personally do not have a store location or a training location. There are a few places around and I try to advertise them on the Affiliates tab of our website
But here on the blog I will start updating about more than just Aerial Empowerment. Its going to be quite the make over... For now I will leave you with a video I made on New Years Eve.